A trip like this doesn't just happen. :-) Preparing for this trip has been extensive. A large portion of the logistics part of the trip has been done by Audrey. (She is awesome!) Quite some time ago, she ordered the maps from the cycle company. The maps include the routes and also information about the various sites to see along the Freedom Trail. We reviewed them and figured out where we were going to go. She co-ordinated this with camping areas so we can bring her and Rod's trailer. I know this was a big job and I appreciate all she did to organize our accommodations. :-)
For my birthday, my friend Lynne gave me this guide book about the Underground Railroad - (Hippocrene Gide to The Underground Railroad). It is awesome and has information about historic places, people and events in the various areas along the Freedom Trail. We were able to use the book and co-ordinate with the maps to plan out the best possible route. Thanks Lynne!!
My bike. I have an OK bike and was going to 'make do' with it for the trip. My principal (Sean Marks) offered to lend me his bike! Nice! I rode this bike during the course of the summer. It was a much better bike than mine. I appreciate him lending it to me. Thanks!
However, during the summer. Audrey's daughter, Sarah offered to lend me her very fancy and totally awesome trail bike. (Thanks Sarah!) So that is the bike I will be taking on the trip with me.
So, I needed to get the bike ready for the trip. This involved a handle bar adjustment, new pedals, a new seat (wow - does that make a difference!), a tune up (done at Spokes N Slopes in Milton), a new lock, a tire pump, an odometer, spare tube, patch kit, a new mini backpack (bought with a gift certificate to Mountain Equipment Co-Op from the staff at Chris Hadfield - thanks!), cycling shorts, shirts, hmm, I am sure some more stuff I have forgotten!
My cousin, Heather worked for a bike import company - Uno Imports in Hamilton on Nash Road. Bronco is one of the owners and he took amazing care of me! Lance Armstrong will have nothing on me in terms of cycle fashion and practicality! Thanks Bronco! (check out future blogs for pics)
Heather also sent me to Main Cycle in Hamilton (1461 Main Street, Hamilton) for some of the other items listed above. Not only were they amazing and getting me what I need - Lou Sivestri (see pics below) taught me how to change my tires while on the road. Thanks Lou!
I am sure I will have more people to thank (ie: my brother John for driving me and my bike to meet Audrey and Rod on Monday - thanks! My friend Chris who helped me start my blog after I was inspired by the blog he and his wife did while they were in Africa this summer) as we go! But I want to thank all of you too! I can't tell you the emails or calls I have gotten already! You guys are an amazing support! Your kind wishes, words of encouragement and support in general mean a lot to me. I am a lucky person to have so many amazing people in my life! :-D
The Trail is only a few short days away but I think we are ready.