In about a week, the Freedom Trail Adventure begins....
My name is Lisa (or Ms. T to some of you :-). About 5 years ago, my teaching partner (Mr. D) talked to me about doing a leave from school for a year to travel. It sounded like a good idea. One day, he gave me an article he had cut out about a cycling group that were riding along a mapped route - one of the Freedom Trails. I was teaching history at the time and was very interested in this historical time period and I knew that exploring that trail was going to be something I would do during the year I took off.
The best part was... about a year ago, my good friend Audrey asked me if she could join me!! (Poor Audrey had listened to me talk endlessly about the trip, planning and the history!) I was ecstatic - yes! I so excited to share this journey with someone. After our conversation, I heard from the living room - "Can I come too?" Audrey's husband, Rod is joining us too! I couldn't ask for two better travel partners. (Check in next blog where I detail the planning and support that has gone into this trip and we haven't left the door yet!)
A really good friend of mine asked me 'WHY?' Why was I doing this?
The thought of re-tracing footsteps of people who ran, walked, swam, or crawled towards Freedom fascinates me. What about those along the way who weren't slaves who were also taking a dangerous risk in order to help... Would any of us be willing to risk our lives to save/help/assist an unknown person or family who is a captive and help them to escape to freedom? I can't imagine living in a time where this was a reality. I admire these people, the slaves trying to escape, the 'conductors' along the Underground Railroad that helped, the abolitionists, all of them risking their lives. Their courage amazes me. All of them fighting for something that we sometimes take for granted - FREEDOM!
Those of you who know me - know I am a huge history buff and often try to entertain (but am fully aware that is more often bore... :-) students, friends and family with stories of history that I find interesting. I couldn't let this opportunity to be connected to this part of history pass me by.
My other reason for wanting to undertake this journey is connected to the idea of 'people being owned' by other people. For a long time women were considered property like slaves were. I am glad that I never lived in that time. I admire those women who fought for equality just at those who were slaves fought for freedom. It wasn't until the 1900s in Canada that women were able to keep their own money or property or vote or fight abuse. It wasn't until 1929 (after World War I) that women were legally considered 'persons' in Canada.
Canadian Timeline
(click here to read more about women in Canada getting to VOTE: http://womenshistory.about.com/od/essentials/u/womens_rights_history.htm
On October 18, 1929, Lord Sankey, Lord Chancellor of the Privy Council, announced the British Privy Council decision that "yes, women are persons ... and eligible to be summoned and may become Members of the Senate of Canada."
(click here to read more about women becoming 'persons' in Canada: http://canadaonline.about.com/cs/women/a/personscase.htm)
I may live in a time where I can vote, own my own property, keep my own wages, be legally considered a 'Person', never be owned by someone, and enjoy 'Freedom' but I want to walk in the footsteps of those before me and in a small way, walk some of the steps they took on a journey that I will never fully experience but will always admire, respect, and appreciate.
Join us on the journey.....
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